Persona non grata - The Ascending Goddess
Private view 13th and 15th October
6pm - 9 pm
Persona non grata is an exhibition that aims to express the artist's journey breaking ancestral curse, fighting and healing mental health barriers with a holistic approach, redefining the human condition and following her true path through unconditional self love.
Adeline defines the divine feminine ( Goddess ) as part of an esoteric holy trinity of a Witch, Priestess and Shaman and she depicts each side of herself in her paintings. She mostly paints from memories a version of who she was in a past life or the transformation and challenges of her soul in this life.
Trying to express a little bit of her world, she created a very Utopian and magical way of living to the point of her life and art becoming one in a sacred ritual of ascending to a different dimension. This way of living kept her in-place in moments of complete darkness and heartbreak. As any woman wanting to find herself, she tried to find a sense of being and fulfilment in lovers of which she painted about often. Caught between her divine feminine ascension and mere-mortal living, Adeline is trying to find the balance of committing to heal the world and herself.
She studies the naked body form as a way of taking the tags of society away and normalising the female body in its true form of strength with the sensual and sexual qualities, instead of just being portrayed as a sexual-pleasure commodity for men. This is why in some of her work, the majority of women are found to be presented as being bald. This is to represent the detachment of social beauty standards and what femininity really means.
The Annual Salon of the UK-based Romanian Artist
Group Exhibition hosted by Romanian Cultural Institute